
About me

Thank you for having a look at my portfolio site!

I am hoping that it will be able to bring you some inspiration and enjoyment. My ambitions stretch beyond this gallery. By reading this section I hope to give you an impression of me and my ambitions.

My name is Mikael Hakali. I live in Stockholm / Sweden and I have been active doing photography in some form since 2004. Almost reaching 10 years of experience my photography has gone from a hobby enthusiasm to a point where I want to produce ambitious and higher quality work.

I believe in challenging myself to reach a higher standard and not being afraid of failing. Realizing you have not fully met your goal gives you the ultimate opportunity to improve.

My experiences to date include:

  • Photography competitions. Won Birdie (www.birdie.org) competitions 2012 & 2011. Scored 3rd place 2010, 2009 & 2008. 
  • Event photography. Including private venues to public events such as some at the famous pub Bishops Arms Folkungagatan / Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Weddings and parties.
  • Private and public modeling.
  • Occasional performances such as music and theatre events.


What can I do for you?

I believe in my ability for delivering high quality photography in situations where an interest for the event itself exists and a motivation. My goal is to keep my photo interest as a hobby, as such only participating in events which motivate or challenge me.

I wish to participate in projects where I can be pushed to deliver more and better. This goes hand in hand with limited time as I have a full time job as an IT Security consultant; which is also a big part and passion of my life. The work I do in photography must be inspiring.

If you have any projects you would like to realize, ideas in need of feedback or simply want to comment on my work, you are most welcome to contact me.

Remember; The importance for any interest is to make it fun and interesting. I believe that this is a signature for my work performance and ambitions. And this is why I will try delivering my best in any upcoming involvements.